Join Us

The MCO is always open to musicians interested in participating with the group. Any adult interested in joining the orchestra as a member may do so by contacting Artistic Director/Conductor Gina Provensano. 

High School and College Students who fulfill a need may also be accepted by the discretion of the Artistic Director.  Rehearsals take place Monday's 7:30-9 PM at Midland High School, a full schedule is found here.

New Musician Screening

No formal playing auditions are required to join the MCO, however, all new players may be informally screened by the conductor.  The MCO philosophy is “that the orchestra is here to give everyone possible a chance to perform.”  That said, our music choices are typically aimed at performers with at least a high school proficiency on their instrument. It is expected that the orchestra will be able to accommodate most adult string players who wish to perform. Because the brass, woodwind, and percussion parts are one person to a part and because of the need to keep a good balance between the different sections of the orchestra, it is expected that occasions may occur when more people want to participate in the non-string sections of the orchestra than there are positions.  The conductor will make decisions about who will play what parts for all sections. 

The MCO is always in need of back up musicians available to sit in during rehearsals or in the absence of a principle player.  

If interested, please email Artistic Director/Conductor Gina Provensano at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.