MCO - Youth Handbook

Youth Logo



Welcome to the Midland Community Orchestra-Youth, an educational outreach program of the Midland Community Orchestra. We strive to provide a rich and rewarding educational experience for young musicians who wish to expand their performance opportunities and knowledge of music. 

Please take the time to read this handbook in its entirety. It contains important information for successful membership in the MCO-Youth. 

We encourage you to contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with any questions regarding any additional information you may need related to the policies, procedures and schedules listed in this handbook and online.

Mission Statement

The Midland Community Orchestra-Youth (MCO-Youth) has been created to provide students the opportunity to work with other musicians in the Midland area to gain additional music ensemble and performance opportunities in an encouraging and motivating environment.  This is a unique supplemental program that is intended to enhance, but not replace existing school programs. 

The MCO-Youth hopes to enrich the lives and education of students by providing students the opportunity to improve music skills, increase self-esteem, develop pride and ensure the continuation of a community of music lovers for generations to come.


To deliver a meaningful ensemble experience for developing young musicians.

To provide a rich musical, artistic, and educational experience enhanced by a socially vibrant and rewarding context.

To complement and support the extraordinary efforts of our community’s public and private music educators through collaboration with the Midland Community Orchestra, its musicians, and conductors.

To nurture friendships and positive interactions with peers and adult role models.


The MCO-Youth is comprised of string students that are invited, following a screening, to join the ensemble.  String students ages 10-14 (and younger students if recommended by their teacher and approved) are eligible to join.   These are typically 6-8th grade students.  Students must be no older than 14 at the start of a session to participate in that session.

The ensemble is geared toward students who have not had a great deal of experience performing in an ensemble setting but possess a basic level of musicianship. Students should have at least 2 years of experience on their instrument and should have a strong understanding of basic techniques. They should be able to tune by themselves (with or without a tuner), play simple scales and melodies, read basic music notation, be familiar with fundamental bowing techniques a have a basic understanding of rhythm and dynamics. Examples of the level of music students will perform are available on the MCO website to check for difficulty.

Membership requires participation in all scheduled auditions, rehearsals, performances and activities. 

Please note playing ability, experience level, and instrumentation needed to obtain a balanced orchestra are the determining factors in member selections. Screenings are required at the start of each season with past members required to re-audition each year.


Most youth orchestras across the country depend heavily on tuition and parent contributions.  Currently, the MCO-Youth is FREE to all students, but we need your support for the program to continue.   For information on how to donate to help support the future of this program, please contact the MCO at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or mail your donation labeled for the MCO-Youth to:  PO Box 2503 Midland, Michigan  48641

Participation in School Music Programs

The MCO-Youth is proud to support music education at all levels.  It is highly encouraged and expected that students will participate in their school orchestra programs where they are available, in addition to the MCO-Youth.  This supports the full musical development of students.  MCO-Youth is a unique supplemental program that is intended to enhance, but not to replace existing school programs.

Private Lessons

Private music lessons are an essential part of a young musician’s education. Because such study also supports the high quality of the MCO-Youth program, members are encouraged to take regularly scheduled private music lessons on their primary instrument. The MCO maintains a list of private teachers as a resource at:


Attendance is a necessary component of a successful ensemble and a worthwhile rehearsal. MCO-Youth members are expected to attend all rehearsals, sectionals, performances and special events.   Students need to check-in and check-out with a parent/guardian at all sessions and events and attendance will be taken.

Absences or tardiness may result in reassignment of parts, re-seating in the section or dismissal from the ensemble. It is required that advance notification of any absence or late arrival be given to one of the MCO-Youth mentors or conductors. 

All orchestra members should arrive at rehearsal 15 minutes before the starting time to check-in.  Members should be in their assigned sections with their instrument(s), music, and pencil five minutes before rehearsal starts to allow for warming up and tuning.

For absences, please notify: Gina Provenzano at:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Requirements and Conduct:

For the safety of our students, they must be accompanied by an adult as they check-in and check-out.  This must be done at all rehearsals, dress rehearsals, concerts and events.

Students should always be on their best behavior and supportive of other members in the orchestra. 

Students are expected to stay in the rehearsal room and are not allowed to roam the building.

Students may not go to the restroom alone and must be accompanied by an adult and one other person. 

Cell phones should be not be used during rehearsal.


 Music & Music Folders

MCO-Youth members are responsible for their music and folders and must bring their music to every rehearsal and concert.  Markings may be made in performance parts, but in pencil only.  All musicians should always have a sharpened pencil in their music folder.  It is each member’s responsibility to return both the music and folder following the concert. If performance folders or parts are lost, damaged or returned after stated deadlines, members will be required to pay replacement and/or late fees.

Performance Attire

MCO-Youth members are required to dress in formal black concert attire with the following guidelines:

Black skirt or black dress slacks

Black top, at least 3/4 sleeved and preferably long sleeved

Black jacket, white dress shirt, black dress pants (no jeans or sports pants), black long tie.

Black stockings/nylons/socks that do not show ankles

Formal black shoes (no tennis or sports shoes)

Minimal jewelry

No cologne or perfume

If these guidelines cannot be met or a member needs assistance or has questions, please contact a  MCO-Youth mentor or conductor.

Weather Cancellations

MCO-Youth rehearsal will follow the Midland Public School weather cancellation.  If school is cancelled for the day, rehearsal will also be cancelled. 


We recommend you do not bring items of value to either rehearsals or concerts. During rehearsals any item of personal value, such as purses or wallets, should be always kept with you. Do not leave any valuables in your cases, dressing room or unattended on stage. No visible objects may be placed on stage during a concert.

Performance with Midland Community Orchestra

Members of the MCO-Youth  will have an opportunity on April 27, 2025 to perform with the MCO.  Students that attend two of the three sessions throughout the season (including the April concert session) will be eligible to participate.


Fall Concert November 2, 2024                       Bullock Creek Auditorium 3:00 p.m.

Monday                     September 23, 2024           5:30-7:00 PM        Sectionals/Placement       MHS Band Room

Monday                     September 30, 2024           5:30-7:00 PM        Full Ensemble                    MHS Band Room

Monday                     October 7, 2024                     5:30-7:00 PM        Full Ensemble                 MHS Band Room

Monday                     October 14, 2024                  5:30-7:00 PM        Sectionals                         MHS Band Room

Monday                     October 21, 2024                  5:30-7:00 PM        Full Ensemble                   MHS Band Room

Monday                     October 28, 2024                  5:30-7:00 PM        Full Ensemble                   MHS Band Room

Saturday                 November 2, 2024               12:30-1:15 PM     Dress Rehearsal               Bullock Creek Aud

                                                                               1:45                             Call Time                                   

                                                                               2:00 PM                   CONCERT #1






Winter Concert: February 15, 2025              Bullock Creek Auditorium 3:00 p.m.

Monday January 6, 2025                                           5:30-7:00 PM        Full Ensemble                   MHS Band Room

Monday January 13, 2025                                        5:30-7:00 PM        Sectionals                           MHS Band Room

Monday January 20, 2025                                        No Rehearsal – Martin Luther King Day

Monday January 27, 2025                                        5:30-7:00 PM        Full Ensemble                     MHS Band Room

Monday February 3, 2025                                        5:30-7:00 PM        Full Ensemble                      MHS Band Room

Monday February 10, 2025                                     5:30-7:00 PM        Full Ensemble                       MHS Band Room

Saturday                 February 15, 2025                12:30-1:15 PM     Dress Rehearsal                   Bullock Creek Aud 

                                                                                1:45 PM                    Call Time     

                                                                                 2:00 PM                   CONCERT #2


Spring Concert: April 26 and 27, 2025    Bullock Creek Auditorium 3:00 p.m.

Monday                     March 17, 2025                       5:30-7:00 PM        Sectionals                              MHS Band Room

Monday                     March 24, 2025                       5:30-7:00 PM        Full Ensemble                        MHS Band Room

Monday                     March 31, 2025                       NO Rehearsal - School Closed for vacation

Monday                     April 7, 2025                              5:30-7:00 PM        Full Ensemble                       MHS Band Room

Monday                     April 14, 2025                           5:30-7:00 PM        Full Ensemble                        MHS Band Room

Monday                     April 21, 2025                           5:30-7: PM              Full Ensemble                      MHS Band Room

Saturday                 April 26, 2025                          12:30-1:15 PM     Dress Rehearsal                   Bullock Creek Aud

                                                                                  1:45 PM                    Warm Up Reh 

                                                                                  2:00 PM                   CONCERT  #3

Sunday April 27, 2025                                            2:00 PM                    Dress with MCO              Bullock Creek Aud     

                                                                                 3:00 PM                    CONCERT With MCO

MCO Board Member Contact Information:                                                         

Chairperson & Executive Director:                                  Carol Mohler 

Vice Chair/Public Relations:                                                Martha Crawmer  

Artistic Director/Conductor:                                                Gina Provenzano  

Treasurer:                                                                                              Stan Rowe              

Secretary/Publicity:                                                                     Katheryn Kirchmeir 

Graphics Designer:                                                                       Sarah Ryden 

Librarian (Strings):                                                                          Mary Adams 

Librarian (Winds and Percussion):                                   JR Yell   

Members At Large:                                                                         Cindy Mikulin  

                                                                                                                        Jan Pickering  

                                                                                                                        Rachel Morr   

MCO-Youth Parent Group Contact Information:

Leslie Edick                                                                                           

Deanne Marzolkowski                                                                    

Meghan Stoddard                                                                             

Judy Wang                                                                                               

Marcia Wiseman                                                                                

MCO Address:

PO Box 2503

Midland, Michigan  48641



MCO e-mail :                                          This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

MCO Website: